Want to turn your community into an army against traffickers? We know how... We start winning the war against trafficking when whole communities come together. Join us for our action-packed and invigorating 4-hour in-person class with jaw-dropping information that you need to protect your kids. HTTC's in-person experience builds on the digital program with even more specific information relevant to your part of the country and that helps your whole community fight this horrific crime. And because you're in person, you get to ask your questions live and address specific concerns. There are a lot of good speakers out there. But we're not hear to just inspire you. We're here to empower you so you know exactly what to do when you face difficult scenarios. And unfortunately for any parent or professional who spends time with kids, you know those scenarios are more prevalent than ever. No one is better than the Human Trafficking Training Center at delivering the actionable steps you need to address those challenges in your life. If you'd like to bring an in-person class, get in touch with our team at 417 844 5834 or dan@humantraffickingtrainingcenter.com. Serious inquiries only, please.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app